Our Story
As somebody says that ” There is a systematic way to have any success”. Our education centre was established on 16th day of July in 1998. with educational area about 5.5 Acre. Now we have our institute at 2800 sq. ft. area with two largest computer labs in whole district. Many poor student but talented are benefited by our institute absolutely free of cost. and we are the man power provider in computer field for the district. Our institute also conduct the policies run by government at rural and urban places. Our Institute is liable for provide better education for the people of district, state or nation. Our education institute want overall development of the student, that’s why we provide seminar’s at different-different topics and extra curiculam activities for the student.

Courses Online
great techers
Award nomination
Years of experience

Our Mission
sony computer education was established with a mission to be a job oriented, technology oriented, people focused, quality education,adaptive and innovative in its approach. Our mission is to promote profitability for our students and ourselves by providing superior information services and solutions.
Our focus is primarily…………
* To be Education centric
* To be technology driven
* To be people focused
* To be innovative, adaptive and creative
* To attain excellence
Our Mission for our students
* To provide the full knowledge about there course.
* To provide the highest quality education by highly qualified/experienced faculties.
* To provide our education for the needy student.

Sony computer Education aims to be the leading institute in the region in providing innovative, reliable, and professional Education ,Job oriented training ,software and web solutions and services that match standards. We aim to be a world-class provider of web and software development solutions.
* To be recognized Globally as an organization delivering value for money products and services, of the
highest quality in the field of web and Software Development.
* To be recognized as a high performance organization with high social values.
* To be future-focus.
* To be valuable partners with clients.
* To be an enduring, socially and fiscally responsible Institute that enhances the quality of Education