Kisan Mela
Kisan mela is a platform where farmers can get the Information about farming that how to implement the scientific technologies on their farm and how farmers can get more and moreĀ benefit by using the scientific technologies. This program was run by Sony computer education.
The Main objective to run this program was spread the information to every farmer about the farming. In this program information about pesticides, there harms on farm, necessity of soil examination, treatment of seeds and many more information are given to the farmers by agriculture experts. Instead that we also give the information about the agricultural loan provided by the government at very low interest rate that’s why they can get more benefit at low cost

Agmarknet Programme
This programme was conduct by Sony Computer Education. The main purpose to conduct this programme is to give the information about the project for farmers and agricultural methodology which should be apply scientifically. The workers of Sony computer education’s are went to the villages of the district to give information about the project. In this programme we also give basic knowledge about the agmarknet web site. which is designed for the farmers that they can view the current rates of the crop in the market which is declared by government. we also give information to get higher production from the farm, necessity of soil examination and information about new technologies related to farming. This programme help farmers to get real cost of their crop. this is an programme for spread aware ness about the farming to the farmers.

Computer Litracy Program